Freedom Earrings


Hook earring

Pendant size: 3cm long

Code: FWE7 Category:


Hook earring

Pendant size: 3cm long

F . R . E . E (Foundation for the Realization of Economic Empowerment)
Was started in Zambia with a group of young, inexperienced women, with no previous jewellery making experience . Defying gender norms, they taught themselves metal smithing with copper. Using copper recycled from used water heaters and wire, they transform it into beautiful pieces of jewellery.

Copper will always naturally oxidise and change colour as it’s the nature of copper, to react with oxygen. So one can expect some darkening over time, even with the purely copper pieces. The blue patina is achieved through a combination of mixing salt and household ammonia. The copper reacts and turns blue, creating completely random patterns. All our patina pieces are then sprayed three times with a sealant . Soft (fine) steel wool works best for cleaning the copper. Simply brushing over it with the steel wool will remove any discoloration and revive the shine.